The political significance of words: different ways of talking about the climate crisis

The workshop “The political significance of words: different ways of talking about the climate crisis” will be held on May 27, led by Dr. Piotr Walewicz. The following description of the workshop and the biography of the presenter!


In this workshop, based on examples rather than definitions, students will learn the basics of the theory and methodology of discourse analysis and narratology applied transdisciplinarily to political science/sociology studies. They will acquire the ability to recognize different narrative modes, use of metaphors, framing, etc. in texts dealing with the climate crisis. Working with political, expert and scientific texts, they will gain the competence to analyze them critically and to propose their own alternative claims describing reality.


ca. 4 hours 30 minutes



Registration form


Dr Piotr Walewicz is a researcher at the Faculty of Political Science and Administration at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland. His research interests include, among others, international relations theory, scientific discourse, ecolinguistics, the concept of world-ecology and international environmental policy.

He received his Ph.D. in Political Science and Administration in 2021 with a dissertation entitled Legitimizing the exploitation of nature in the scientific discourse on international relations: a critical-theoretical study.


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